It ain't much but it's honest living!
While not quite a book sale, it's nice to see someone with a Kindle Unlimited Subscription take an interest in my work. I hope they keep reading. Either way, it is encouraging.
Also, that tab is the title of a book I am currently drafting. Won't be available for a while yet.
Through the Mass Effect trilogy there is Variant known as the Geth who were created by the Quarians. The Geth were made so well that they started to be self aware. We are Geth there bodies are hardware but they exist in the consensus there software so your speaking to all geth when speaking to one. There is a Character named Legion because he is many. Great concept. Have you ever seen the Animatrix? It details how the war between man and machine began. My point is we know about Vampires but each one has a story. Likewise with Robots. I just watched the new mission impossible movie and it was amazing. I watched it on Paramount plus. If you…
Designs of our slave Race? Creator what is that? Can you write about that. That's in line with my belief system.
Be proud Creator Smith your carving your own path. Did you like Right in Two video I sent you? Your opinion matters to me and all things being subjective I appreciate your opinions. Is this the wrong part of your site to simply converse? I considered that in your area you have a place for everything and everything has a place.