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"Long has been my slumber.  In my dreams an egg appeared and was surrounded by an island, with people, animals, an entire world.

"But Verily, it be the nature of dreams to end!  When I dost awaken, Koholint will be gone.  Only the memory of this dream land will exist in the waking world.

"Someday, thou may recall this island.  That memory must be the real dream world.

"Come, [Link], let us awaken... Together!"


~Wind Fish, Legend of Zelda, Link's Awakening


My philosophy on fictional media is that they are dreams that stay with you in the waking world.  The worlds and universes are not real, but the memory of experiencing these realities is real.  From something as simple as Goomba-stomping monsters in Super Mario, to experiences meant to be more profound than mere brain candy, they are all dreams within the mind(s) of whomever created it. 


You, as the viewer, reader, listener, or player are Link, walking through the dreamworld of the Wind Fish.


Thus why this is called Space Whale Dreams - after the Legend of Zelda's Wind Fish.


Created as a business front for creativity, Space Whale Dreams offers an outlet for myself while being able to earn something out of it.  This site showcases a lot of the things I have done.


I make, and walk through dreams.



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